Description of the Specialized Service Level
The Specialized Service Level consists of a treatment setting, preferably in a family, in which caregivers have specialized training to provide therapeutic, habilitative, and medical support and interventions including:
- 24-hour supervision to ensure the child’s safety and sense of security, which includes close monitoring and increased limit setting;
- Affection, reassurance, and involvement in therapeutic activities appropriate to the child’s age and development to promote the child’s well-being;
- Contact, in a manner that is deemed in the best interest of the child, with family members and other persons significant to the child to maintain a sense of identity and culture; and
- Therapeutic, habilitative, and medical intervention and guidance that is regularly scheduled and professionally designed and supervised to help the child attain functioning appropriate to the child’s age and development.
- In addition to the description in subsection (a) of this section, a child with primary medical or habilitative needs may require regular interventions from a caregiver who has demonstrated competence.
Characteristics of a child that needs the Specialized Services
A child needing specialized services has severe problems in one or more areas of functioning. The Youth needing specialized services may include:
A child whose characteristics include one or more of the following:
- Unpredictable non-violent, anti-social acts;
- Frequent or unpredictable physical aggression;
- Being markedly withdrawn and isolated;
- Major self-injurious actions to include recent suicide attempts; and
- Difficulties that present a significant risk of harm to self or others.
A child who abuses alcohol, drugs, or other conscious-altering substances whose characteristics include one or more of the following:
- Severe impairment because of the substance abuse; and
- A primary diagnosis of substance abuse or dependency.
(3) A child with developmental delays or mental retardation whose characteristics include one or more of the following:
- Severely impaired conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills to include daily living and self-care;
- severe impairment in communication, cognition, or expressions of affect;
- Lack of motivation or the inability to complete self-care activities or participate in social activities;
- Inability to respond appropriately to an emergency; and
- Multiple physical disabilities including sensory impairments.
A child with primary medical or habilitative needs whose characteristics include one or more of the following:
- Regular or frequent exacerbations or interventions in relation to the diagnosed medical condition;
- Severely limited daily living and self-care skills;
- Non-ambulatory or confined to a bed; and
- Constant access to on-site, medically skilled caregivers with demonstrated competencies in the interventions needed by youth in their care.